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Sometimes we feel a certain way and cant figure out why, everything seems to be going as it should, but our mood isn’t.

However, there may be identifiable reasons for our low mood. If we know the root cause, we can try to work with the problem and in turn start improving how we feel.

  • Bereavement
    For most of us, bereavement will be the most distressing experience we will ever face. Grief is what we feel when somebody we are close to dies. Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no ‘normal’ or ‘right’ way to grieve. Cruse Bereavement Care offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults.
  • Bullying
    Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Bullying can heavily impact our mental health. Bullying UK can offer helpful support.
  • Seperation or Divorce
    Sometimes, when there’s nothing else for it, marriages and relationships end in divorce or separation and couples have to go their separate ways. Relate offers support to all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations.
  • Debt Problems
    If we find ourselves without enough money to pay for essential things, like food, rent and bills and we cant make the minimum repayments on our debts then we should seek help. Step Change offers free advice on problem debt based on what’s right for us. Check out this helpful mental health and debt section on Money Saving Expert.
  • Domestic Abuse
    Domestic abuse describes negative behaviours that one person exhibits over another within families or relationships. These patterns of behaviour can include threats, put-downs, isolation, violence and control. Sometimes domestic abuse can be called domestic violence. Victim Support offers help to people affected by crime and traumatic events.

Not sure why you're feeling low?

Here are some options for you.

Urgent Help

If you need urgent help, go to the Emergency Department of your nearest hospital.

Based in the UK? Call NHS 111 service. Samaritans also provide a confidential non-judgmental talking service.


HOPELineUK is a specialist telephone service staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information.

If you’re in America and in crises you can call Call 1-800-273-TALK


If you’re based in another location Befrienders Worldwide can help.

Make A Change

Often, a small change can make a BIG difference to how we are feeling. 

When we are feeling low, we may not look after ourselves as best we can. We may eat junk food or not eat enough, stop being active and allow negative thoughts to take control.


Check out the My 3 Steps programme, which could help you get back on track.

Talking Helps

When we are feeling low, or going through a tough time, there is support available.


It can help to talk to someone – a friend, a family member or a G.P.

It may be hard to open up and be honest about how you are really feeling. You may be use to putting on a brave face with others and pretending you are fine. However, this may leave you feeling isolated and alone, which can makes things worse.

There are organisations that provide non-judgemental talking services, offering a caring person to listen to your thoughts and worries. We have compiled a number of them, which you can find here.

Finding What Works For You

If you try therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and you find you don’t fit well with the therapist, don’t be afraid to stop the sessions and find someone more suited to you. It isn’t uncommon for people to try a few therapist before finding the person that is right for them.

Our founder Charlie shares his own experience: “I was in the worst place I’d been on my mental health journey, and I wanted to try therapy. I was hopeful that this was going to be really helpful, but I found the CBT didn’t really work for me, despite hearing great things about it. It wasn’t until a year later when I tried again that I realised it wasn’t the therapy, but instead the therapist.


In life we can connect with some people more than others, which is why we don’t have a billion best friends. The same is true for teachers and therapist, some will speak to us more than others”.

You can find out more information about the different types of support services available here


Check out our ever growing library of books, pod casts, websites, videos and downloads. We call it our wellbeing toolkit.


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